Thursday, March 31, 2011

WISker's March Challenge - Sketch cloud formations over Whidbey!

 The challenge issued to the group by fellow Sketcher and artist Lois Mathews, was to capture the cloud formations in the skies around the Island.  The sky this time of year (when you can see it) is full of clouds that are just one step away from snow clouds - billowy, but full of moisture.  They run from bright white to nearly black and full of rain (or snow).  They were beautifully piled up on the day I tried to sketch them, but it was so cold outside I couldn't hold my pen.  So I photographed them and retreated to the warmth of my "studio" to finish up. 
The Doghouse Restaurant is, like Lazarus, coming back to life, thanks to new owners.  It is going to take at least a year, but even if it only takes that long it will not be a moment too soon for the residents of South Whidbey! The park bench overlooking the Marina and the water at the end of Second St. in Langley is surrounded by daffodils - they look pretty but don't make it any warmer for sketching!

SKETCHING TIME at Community (Senior) Thrift in Freeland

We made another trip to the big Thrift Store in Freeland to sketch.  I dropped some things off, and bought some others.  Then I went upstairs into the corner to sketch "my" clocks.  I am glad they were still all there, marking time, waiting to be sketched. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The WISkers met at the South Whidbey Commons for four hours of sketching in the warmth of the glorious spring sunshine . . . . . .

. . . . . .  among the new happy daffodils and the promise of clouds of heather.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

WISkers @ the COMPASS ROSE, Coupeville

In the 1890's Victorian home as invited guests of Captain and Mrs. Marshall Bronson.  They open their home to visitors to Whidbey Island and Coupeville as the Compass Rose Bed and Breakfast.  So much to sketch!  Just the kitchen window alone was a feast for the eyes!  So, "To crop  . . . . . 
" . . . .  or not to crop.  That is the question."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Colorful plastic watering cans ready for Spring on the shelf in Bayview Nursery

Plants and their gnomes at BAYVIEW NURSERY waiting to go home to someone's garden.